The fungus is the common name of a group of infectious fungal diseases that develop in the skin (athlete's foot) and/or the nails (onychomycosis).
There are many species of fungi, parasitic in the human body. Cause many unpleasant symptoms, and complicates considerably the life of the man. The most common infection by fungi of the genus Candida.

Causes of fungal infection.
The reason for nail fungus – infection by micro-organisms. The penetration of the micro-organism in the human body is done through pre-damaged nail or skin.
Causes of such damage can be:
- Mechanical wounds.
- Effects of aggressive chemical agents (caustic detergents etc.).
- Wearing the things, and shoes from low-quality synthetic materials, I drank in the humidity and not bypassing air.
- Increased sweating, produces the optimal environment for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
- Deformation of the foot, causing a deterioration in ventilation, leading to infection from fungal diseases.
- High speed growth of the nail, which can injure the skin.
- The low level of personal hygiene.
- Reduction of the protective properties of the immune system.
- Varicose veins of the disease.
- Characteristics of climatic conditions (high humidity).
- Old age. In older people the disease occurs most clusters.
- Professional risk.
- Concomitant pathology.
Taking antibiotics, corticosteroids and cytostatic drugs that disturb the natural microflora of human rights, which protects the human skin from the inclusion of infections.
Special risk wooden floors and benches. The spores of the fungus penetrate into the wood structure and there begin to multiply. To highlight belong to the wood surface fungus is very difficult. For this purpose it is necessary the regular processing special disinfectant solutions.
The symptoms
The symptoms of toe fungus may vary, depending on the shape, however, it is common itchy and pathological deformation of the skin.
The symptoms of squamous cell form of fungus infection

At the expense of the education of the stratum corneum is happening derma stamp. This format is also called "athlete's foot" and "lignum fungus", as well as due to deformation of the epithelium, thickening of the foot.
In this form of foot fungus people often experience the following symptoms:
- Part of the foot (sole) is covered by a thick layer of dermis, this creates a kind of wearing in the foot moccasins.
- Horny place becomes rough and is covered by a thick layer of calluses, who is starting to crack and it hurts.
- The rough skin begins to peel off. The affected areas of the skin look like sprinkled flour.
- The patient is experiencing constantly the unbearable, overbearing itch.
- Is thinning of the nail, in which the nails begin to break and collapse.
The symptoms dyshydrotic shape
As the skin of the foot fat enough, the first time these bubbles are not noticeable, other manifestations of the disease at this stage is not observed.
You can see the appearance of small bubbles in areas with thinner skin (between the toes or of the hand).
Later, the blisters are starting to itch, the patient is experiencing intense irritating itch. At some point, the bubbles break, the skin starts to peel off from the surface of the skin is done peeling thin plates of keratinized layer of skin.
The symptoms intertriginosny shape
Intertriginous form of the fungus (or interdigital) is one of the most common and unpleasant types of pathology. Infection that affects the interdigital area.
Skin fold between the toes is affected the crack or ulcer, which is surrounded by a sheet of nekrotizirovannah skin a greenish color.
When the peeling is done mukovidnoe, the fingers look like sprinkled flour.
Itching, but it is easy to docked, it's not unacceptable and it doesn't cause discomfort. In the most rare, an exudative form of the skin covered by the bubbles that contain the liquid.
The symptoms of onychomycosis
Onychomycosis – is a very widespread fungal pathology horny part of the dermis (nail). Immediately after the bump on the skin fungus begins to multiply, hitting the skin and causes unbearable itching.
The man is trying to get rid of it, starts to comb the affected areas, as a result, the skin is injured, is covered with small cracks and notches, at the risk of further infected with a bacterial or viral infection.

Hypertrophic onychomycosis
When hypertrophic onihomicose nail plate begins to deform. This is evident from the fact that it changes color, loses its luster, to tie and is partly destroyed. This gives the person a lot of inconvenience, especially if you need to go in tight or uncomfortable shoes.
Normal onychomycosis
With this onihomicose nail plate is not deformed and does not change the shape and structure of the. Only happens changing the color of your nails from normal to yellowish-brown. Maintained normal nail glitter.
Atrophic onychomycosis
In this case, the nail color changes to brown, nail thinner, and gradually separated from the bed nail.
The diagnosis of the disease
In most cases, the fungus can diagnose yourself with the symptoms. The doctor can set the diagnosis after inspection of the skin and nails, as well as following the story.
Also the doctor may take a sample of skin or nail, cut them out with the help of the blade. Special tests will help determine the type of fungus, as well as to take medicines and to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. In some cases, you may need skin biopsy.
Treatment of fungal growth on the feet
Below we examine the most popular tools and ways for the treatment of fungus.
Treatment of fungal growth of the nail
When the disease is at an early stage, then it makes sense to use only external medicines, for example, antimycotic, varnishes, solutions, ointments, gels. There is a wide choice of different drugs.
Treatment can be carried out with the help of special serum. There are patches, material action which aims at the detachment of damaged nail plate.
Treatment of growth of fungi between the toes
It is best to use an integrated therapy, using as external media, as well as medicines for internal use.
If the fungus failed to spread across the surface of the foot, can only handle external media.
In most cases, the expert assigns a topical treatment (ointment) that contains fungicidal and fungistatic components.

Treatment of fungal infection in the home, such as to heal quickly
Below we look at the most popular and effective ways and means for the treatment of fungal growth in the house.
To overcome the nail fungus at home will help you is the folk remedy, such as the soda paste.
To prepare, all you need is a little baking soda, lemon juice and water. Take required for the processing of all of the affected surfaces amount of soda.
Place in a glass bowl. Slowly add a small amount of water at room temperature required for the education of a homogenous pulp.
After a homogeneous mass, apply it on the affected areas. After the mass will be distributed evenly to the nail plate, apply a small amount of lemon juice.
As a result, a chemical reaction, during which you will feel a slight burning sensation. Wait 5 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water and carefully wipe your feet with a clean towel. Repeat this process every two days until they are completely grown healthy nail plate.
Treatment with hydrogen peroxide
For the treatment of the fungus it can help compresses with the use of hydrogen peroxide. For the construction you only need the hydrogen peroxide and the wool or cotton. For this purpose a piece of cotton moistened with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and impose on the affected nail.
Compress lock polyethylene, thus creating the greenhouse effect. Compress the hands hold to 20 minutes, the legs compress keep about an hour. The duration of treatment lasts from two weeks and depends on how developed disease.
Imposing a compress have to repeat 2 times a day. After compression, you need to thoroughly rinse the nail with warm water, dry and treated with anti-fungal drug.
Treatment with iodine
For the treatment of fungi with iodine you need to buy the pharmacy's usual 5%-alcoholic solution of iodine.
Moisten the iodine on a q-tip or cotton ball and apply to the affected areas 2 times a day – morning and night.
Try not to get into healthy areas of the skin. In this case, the healthy skin will be damaged, change the color to brown-yellow and cover the cracks.
This tool should not be used when there is hypersensitivity to iodine.

The most effective folk treatment for stroke is considered to be an ordinary apple, or table vinegar, you can also use the concentrate. For the manufacture of compresses using a mixture of 9% acetic solution and hot water. 1 part vinegar take 8 parts of water.
2 tablespoons of 70% acetic distillates blended with 2 tablespoons of vodka and three egg proteins (instead of eggs you can get glycerin). All of these ingredients are mixed until smooth condition and applied on the affected areas two times a day. Store in the refrigerator for 3 days.
Can be mixed apple cider vinegar with any vegetable oil (patients, olive, sunflower, peach) in a ratio of one-to-one.
The application of these components is the same. To do this, then soak a piece of cotton or gauze. Tampons impose on the affected area.
A compress wet with pharmaceutical union, as well as drying. To keep him have half an hour to one hour, after which a compress is removed, washed leg lukewarm water, dry.
Repeat the procedure needs at least 1 time a day for two weeks.
Be careful when treatment compression state of the vinegar. When the first signs of allergy or skin damage should immediately stop the treatment and consult a doctor.
For the treatment of the fungus is actively used oil of the plant. To conduct a process to advise 1 time per day before bedtime. Before you apply preparing soda bath (1 tablespoon of baking soda in 3 litres of water) and steam of the toes or of the hand, are affected by fungus.
After that, fingers carefully wipe clean towels. For the affected areas using a cotton swab or a cotton swab to put the oil of the plant.
For successful treatment you must perform the procedure regularly, until healing is complete.
During treatment, nail plate will change the color to orange. However, celandine can cause quite strong allergic reaction, therefore, need to be careful.
Ointment for medicinal herbs
With the treatment of the fungus is a joy and a salve from herbs. To do this you have to smash the grass thyme powder. 1 part powder take 4 parts of vaseline. During the course of treatment can be applied through the garlic, to ensure a comprehensive treatment.
Ointment of honey and eucalyptus
To prepare this ointment you will need to take 15 g of liquid honey, 15 g of softened butter, 1.5 teaspoons of vinegar. The particular mixture until smooth, condition and add 25 drops of eucalyptus essential oil or tea tree.
Stir the mixture once again until smooth and soak in the refrigerator for three days. Ready composition should be applied to the affected area once a day.

- You will first need to follow the hygiene of the skin that are at risk of destruction fungal infection (the skin of the hands, stand, on the surface of the nail). To rinse the skin of the feet and hands with soap and water daily, after washing, carefully wipe the skin. Especially in the aspects of.
- Wear socks and shoes from natural materials (cotton, linen). These materials provide adequate ventilation and well absorb excess moisture. Daily change socks clean, so as the day can accumulate pathogenic microflora.
- Shoes should be of the breathing of materials. You don't need to smash, rub, or cause any inconvenience. For the summer time will reach the maximum open shoes with perforation.
- Regularly procedure inner part of the shoe, especially one that you don't have to wash it with antibacterial means. Leave the shoes to dry after the treatment.
- You spend for the washing of lingerie at a temperature below 60 °C. For the most antimicotic and antibacterial activity pants I have to iron the iron.
- Use individual shoes from rubber or from easily processed materials, when visiting public showers, saunas, baths and swimming pools.
- Do not carry foreign slippers, towels and bathrobes. Do not use foreign products for personal hygiene.
- You don't need to run the fungus. You need to start treatment at the first symptoms. The sooner you start treatment, the more easily it can heal.
- Observe carefully a certain doctor in the shape of treatment. In the event that treatment is over earlier than completely cure the fungus, perhaps the appearance of recurrence.
Nail fungus – sophisticated and widespread disease that it is very easy to get infected. To avoid this, follow the rules of prevention. However, if you have already been infected – you should immediately consult your doctor, who finds the appropriate personalized treatment and will relieve you from this problem.