How to get rid of the fungus on the feet?

"Catch" the fungus on the feet can be absolutely any woman, especially regularly visits a swimming pool, gym, sauna and other public places where the conditions for the development and the spread of infection is most favorable.

athlete's foot

When should I start the treatment?

To cure fungus is not easy and quick, as well as the consequences of the absence of adequate treatment may be not only the aesthetic problem and troubled by the senses, but also in pathological exposed to infection in the entire body.

It is important to identify the fungus in the feet, manifested by these symptoms:

  • dryness, peeling skin of the feet;
  • the unpleasant odor of the feet;
  • the appearance on the skin bubbles with the content inside and cracks?
  • itching, burning stop.

Discovering similar symptoms, you should consult a dermatologist, who after inspection and special studies will put the exact diagnosis and will tell you how as quickly get rid of the mildew skin on the feet.

How to get rid of the fungi of the feet, toes and between the toes?

Drug treating fungal skin on the feet provides, usually, taking antifungal drugs systemic action on the basis of these chemicals:

  • fluconazole;
  • terbinafine;
  • griseofulvin;
  • ketoconazole, etc.

The therapeutic course is quite large, in severe cases, it can take up to six months. Antifungal medication for the reception inside have a lot of contraindications and side effects, so their use should be under the supervision of a physician. Also the doctor may recommend the parallel receiving immunomodulators, vitamin preparations, hepatoprotectors.

Systemic therapy non-aligned with the local antimycotic treatment, provides for the application of different media in the form of an ointment, cream, gel, solution, etc.

Only in case of easy injuries of the skin or the availability of the system contra-indications for medicines, the treatment may be limited to only the use of external instruments.

When the treatment of fungus of the feet, you need to get rid of all the things you were used to it and can be infected: socks, tights, shoes, bathroom mats, brushes for the feet, etc. In the extreme case, should be disinfected by long boiling or chlorine in. In order not to infect the members of the family should enjoy double towels, walking around the house without shoes.

how to treat fungus of the feet

How to get rid of fungi on the feet folk methods?

When the treatment of fungus of the feet, you can try and pop techniques. However, the recipes of folk medicine as independent methods of treatment can only be effective in small leather cases of foot at an early stage. In other cases it can be used only as supplementary to the main pharmaceutical treatment. Consider the most common primary techniques of foot fungus.

For fungus on your feet help to get rid of garlic, which you have to grind to a mushy state and the application of scare positions for the night, covering cellophane and wearing socks.

Prescription foot baths by fungi


  • tar soap – 50 g?
  • water – 3 liters.

Preparation and application

To warm the water up to 40-50 ° C, add the baking soda and tar soap, crushed on the grill. Carefully stir. The process to be not less than 20 minutes, then wipe the foot drink the blood and cause local antifungal, or their ships with apple cider vinegar.

Still a popular antifungal treatment is fresh juice of the plant. You need to lubricate the skin of the feet to the affected areas several times a day.