Apple vinegar fungus is one of the most effective and cheap funds. It helps to handle even when you are running stages of the disease. Folk medicine knows many recipes based on vinegar, which is popular and quite effective.

Steps apple cider vinegar
Nail fungus in medicine is called onychomycosis. This disease is quite difficult to be cured. The spores of the fungus can penetrate the body, in every public area, where the humidity is high. Is saunas, pools, baths. The pathogenic microbes to infiltrate through small cracks in the skin cover and scratches. In the first stage of the disease the fungus is spreading on the surface of the skin. It manifests itself in the form of peeling, burning, and itching. If left without treatment, the pathological process that applies to the nail. Is yellow, becomes a bristle, thickens and grows in width. Over time nail plate crumble, crumbling, appears an unpleasant odor.
The fungus can cover the entire nail, as well as specific area. In advanced cases there is spread of lesions to adjacent the surface of the nail and healthy epithelium.
Treatment of the disease better in the initial phase of development. When early detection treatment can be carried out with the use of means of local exposure, which is applied to the affected area.
Effective as medicines, and the means of folk medicine. Most often used apple cider vinegar from nail fungus in the feet or hands. It helps to destroy the parasites, which became a reason to hit the nail plates.
The thicker nail when exposed to vinegar is created a sensational acidic environment. This is the cause of death of parasites. The process of reproduction is interrupted, it stops the growth of fungi.
Cider vinegar is also known for its antiseptic properties, excellent disinfects and allows you to apply the tool against the fungus. Also can be used as a prevention.
What vinegar fit
Before you start the treatment, you will need to choose the right vinegar. To choose the best is 5%, that has the pellet.
It is the presence of precipitate brown color indicates that the vinegar has a high quality. It's called cake, and has healing properties. With the use of this vinegar, the treatment becomes more effective, so as cake enhances the action of vinegar.
It can be used and the tool, which has no sludge. But the treatment can not bring the expected result. When you use this vinegar therapeutic properties are not enhanced due to the presence of the cake. In addition to this, the lack of sludge says that the product of medium quality.

The treatment options vinegar
Treatment response of fungi in the feet or hands can be carried out with the use of drugs or traditional medicine. Various basin and ointments are not less effective than the drugs. But to use them better in the band. So improvements can be made in the situation of the nail much more quickly.
Application of apple cider vinegar allows you not only to slow down the growth of microorganisms, but also to destroy them. The tool has received wide application in the treatment of many different diseases.
To get rid of lesions of the nail, you have to are a few suggestions:
- To comply with the proportions. Exceeding mentioned recipes dose is prohibited. This can cause irritation of the skin.
- Follow the instructions on the use of the tool. The duration of treatment usually ranges from a few months. When using certain instruments, the treatment is continued until it left the affected areas.
- Apply the vinegar from only natural ingredients, as well as the other ingredients in the recipes.
You must also strictly observe personal hygiene and do not use strangers, towels, soap, or sponge.
For the conduct of the procedures necessary capacity of the small size that fit in the arms or legs. In it you will need to pour the hot water and vinegar in equal proportions.
If you have wounds, cracks, scratches and other damage of the skin concentration of the vinegar should be reduced. This will help to avoid irritations. Account must be taken of the, that the water must cover the entire area of destruction. Basin make to all 30-50 minutes daily. The procedure to perform it is recommended before bedtime until then, until you grow a healthy nail.
In the event that the disease for a long time not responding to treatment and has been transferred to the resulting stage, the treatment should be combined with others. In the opposite case, the bathroom should be doing during the year and up.
You can also use apple cider vinegar and the baking soda. For the preparation should be in a basin, pour warm water, add a glass of spirits and five tablespoons of baking soda. Duration of the procedure is from 30 to 50 minutes.
Acetate compresses
In the case of losing large areas help compresses with apple cider vinegar. Better to do before going to bed, in the spare time, such as walking with it is not very convenient.
Of gauze or cotton make cotton and soak it in the vinegar. Then, attach it to the injured fingernail and wrap with cling film. This will help to enhance the effect. You don't need to tighten too much. You just have to clip to compress, not starred or not moving. Can be determined with the aid of a bandage, if necessary. The process runs for over three hours.
Compresses apply every day for 2-3 months. Over time, the affected nail will come down. The base begins to form a new plate. If you are shown areas that are flaking or crumbling, you will need to cut with scissors. But should be done carefully, not to damage the cultivation areas and the skin. To stop the application compresses only in cases, when it can no longer the affected areas. If you have a small damaged sections of pathological process can be started from the beginning.
Also a compress can be made with vegetable oil. To do this you need to mix it with the apple cider vinegar in equal quantities. Then, the resulting mixture soak the cotton and fasten it in the area of fungal defeat band. Compress relief in four hours. The procedure is performed during the month.

Ointment on the basis of the apple cider vinegar from the nail fungus is also effective and allow you to get rid of the defeat.
The vinegar and kalanchoe. Grind a hundred grams of leaves of the plant, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, 30 g of eucalyptus oil and 10 grams of liquid honey. The mixture is left in a languid position for three days. After this, the cream can be applied to injured claw.
All ointment with apple cider vinegar applied twice a day, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions. To treatment was effective, you need before the application of the steam the feet or hands, to cut the largest part of the nail.
When running forms and even medicines are not always effective. Have a high antifungal activity, but if the fungus has impressed large areas, it will take a long time. Application popular recipes, in this case, should be combined with medical treatment. Only then it is possible to reduce the duration of treatment.
Apple cider vinegar and iodine
For the preparation of the solution need to be mixed with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and iodine. Is used for the treatment of foot and has a strong antifungal activity. Therapy for the treatment of foot fungus is valid for six months two times a day.
Apple cider vinegar has greater effectiveness only when used in conjunction with various ointments or sprays. The result is perceived only in 3-4 weeks of applications. If there is no improvement, you should consult your doctor.
The treatment of nail fungus on your feet or hands is a long process. The duration of treatment can be from 2 months to a year and up, depending on the degree of defeat. Full get rid of the mildew can only be achieved if we use a tincture, baths, and other recipes of folk medicine together with drugs local report