Is it a disease, such as athlete's foot, unfortunately, today is very common. Cause the diseases that cause the mushrooms. Transmitted the disease from person to person, the most vulnerable to this are the family members of the ill. Athlete's foot is a very unpleasant disease, which brings a lot of problems in humans. So you should immediately request special assistance. By performing all of the recommendations of the doctor fungus it can be beat. Only to do it all the time, because it is the health.

The reasons for fungal infections of the feet
- The moist environment favors the rapid spread of the fungus, especially if you neglect the drying of shoes.
- Saunas, pools, shower - greenhouses infections. Therefore, when visiting such areas will have to ensure that it has a personal shoes, and, in any case, I don't walk the floor with bare feet.
- The dead cells of the fungus in the skin of a person may exist for many years, and if you get into a favorable environment, they immediately begin to grow.
- Athlete's foot can be caused by the violation of the metabolism process of the body, diseases of the endocrine system.
- In the case of a stand distorted, or impaired circulation of the blood, then the disease can manifest itself.
The symptoms of the fungus in the feet
The symptoms of scaly form of fungus on the feet
- In the initial stage of the disease defeat is celebrated only on one leg. Later switches to the other side.
- The skin of the foot appears phase redness.
- Further to this point, she starts peeling of the skin.
- Areas of redness and peeling may be different from the square.
- Itching is celebrated not in all patients.
- Many patients with the form of the growth of the fungi stop nothing bothers you, and is not addressed to the doctor. This contributes to the spread of the disease.
Disgidroticheskaya form of mycoses of the feet: the symptoms
- On the roof of the foot (the part not in contact with the floor during walking) is formed a lot of bubbles sizes from 2 to 8 mm.
- Gradually small bubbles merge into larger ones, then it is revealed, and in their place are formed erosion (superficial lesions of the skin).
- The process can be spread with the arch of the foot for the outer and inner lateral surface. When you do this, in place of bubbles is formed an extensive erosion and the phase rash.
- The patient notes pain and itching to the point of destruction.
- After erosion heal and dry up, in their place, begins the peeling. Disgidroticheskaya form of foot fungus goes into a scaly.
- Over time in fungal infection may be linked bacterial. Transparent content of the bubble becomes turbid, and is converted into pus. There is a strong pain, an increase in the temperature of the body. The skin of the foot even more blush, swell.
- Disgidroticheskaya form of fungal growth stop prone to permanent flow. Periods of improvement alternate with exacerbations.
- The fungus usually affects one foot.

The symptoms intertriginous form of the fungus in the feet
- Intertriginous form of mycosis stop when ringworm and athlete's are the most common.
- May appear alone or in the context of a scaly shape.
- The process usually starts in the skin between the 4 and 5 toes. Less frequently, between 3 and 4 fingers.
- The main event – cracks in the skin, around which is the white rim of peeling epidermis (the superficial layer of the skin).
- In between your fingers is displayed humidity.
- The patient has itching, burning sensation.
- In the place of cracks may occur erosion (superficial defects of the skin), accompanied by intense pain.
- Intertriginous form of foot fungus often has a long years. The disease subsides in the winter and escalates during the summer.
- Over time the skin relax. The protective functions are reduced. This promotes the penetration of streptococcal infection. Developed purulent inflammation of the skin characterized by redness, swelling, pain. The body temperature rises, the worse the general condition of the patient.
The symptoms of onychomycosis stand
Onychomycosis stop – defeat of the fungus of the nails of the fingers of the feet. Pathological changes begin to develop by the free edge of the nail. Initially appear spots and streaks of yellow color.
- Hypertrophic onychomycosis. Nail thickens, acquires a yellow color. It is very easily crushed, and under him is exposed, thick, and flaky skin.
- Atrophic onychomycosis. Nail thinner is destroyed, and underneath that is exposed Horny skin.
- Onychomycosis as a result of the defeat of mould fungi.Usually developed independently and in the context of other diseases of the nail. With this nail can acquire black, brown, yellow, green. Often develop paronihii – complication as a purulent inflammation around nail bed.
The symptoms kandidoznogo fungal defeat stop
- Most often the hearth of defeat is between your fingers stand.
- The skin at this point, swollen, has a red color.
- Around the hearth was found the hoop from the upper layer of the skin .
- Near can be small blisters or bubbles.
The hospital must contact immediately after the first signs of the disease. If the skin on the legs flaking, flaking, itching, itching, and it hurts, then you need to go to the doctor. If you ignore these symptoms of fungus in the foot, then the disease will amaze the whole leg, the fingers and nails.
Diagnosis of fungi in the feet

Diagnosis of the disease holds the doctor-dermatologist. Defines the type of fungus, which hit the skin of the feet. The tests are done only in the laboratory, rent, them it is necessary the doctor can appoint the appropriate treatment.
Treatment response of fungi in the feet
Until today, there are antifungal drugs, which are able effectively to remove from the body of a human fungal infection. A necessary condition treatment – long-term taking medicines in large enough doses. The best result from the use of these drugs is achieved by the use of the method of pulse therapy, when percussion dose of an anti-fungal tools apply of short duration, followed by a long break.
Also, for the treatment of fungus of the feet, using various media for local use: ointments, creams, varnishes, films, etc. All of these substances also contain antifungal, but their implementation is not always effective. If you don't take into account the characteristics of penetration of the active substance to the skin at certain points of the foot, the use of even is not cheap inside is a thin. From the land of the skin, so the more fat you will need to choose the base: on the heels better ointment, for the space between the fingers – a suspension or gel. For the nails is better to use special varnish. You can use the cream, however, when the nail must as far as possible to reduce away or just delete it in the office of the surgeon. From the intact nail plate do not penetrate any medication.
System anti-fungal medications are always using with the locals. In the early stages of the disease, or for any other reason, does not allow the application of powerful drugs, the use of exclusively drugs local action.
During pregnancy any treatment can cause side effects. As the process of developing fungal infection great, it is recommended to refrain from the serious measures before the birth, or until the end of lactation.
Treatment response of fungi in the feet at home
To proceed with the self-struggle with the implementation and the methods of the people, completely remove the affected plague areas of your nails and get ready regularly engaged in measures for the disinfection of footwear, clothing, bath and cosmetic items for foot care:
- for garment suitable boiling with the economic and soap. Can the trust add 1/2 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda?
- for the shoes must be in same units mix 40%-ing the acetic acid and 25%-tion of formaldehyde solution, soaked in a mixture of cotton and wipe this internal areas of the shoe. Used discard the cotton, and the shoes put new, which is impregnated with the above means, a piece of cotton and put all the "means" in separate plastic bags?
- for cleaning surfaces, bathrooms, in your opinion, keep it for yourself, spores of fungi, use get the chlorinated water mixed with detergent?
- the elements of cosmetology landing in an hour to put it in alcohol, or to treat the fire, if permitted by the metallic composition.
Treatment response of fungi in the feet folk remedies

- The treatment of nail fungus in the feet
- A small piece of kombucha is applied to the nail, wrap and leave for the night?
- By using the band-aid on the night attach inflammation nail cut along a piece of paper kalanchoe, cover with the nail hole.
- Treatment response of fungi between the toes
- After cleaning, the affected fungus region between the fingers lubrication branches with tar. Doesn't the toilet flush?
- To prepare a decoction from the leaves of plantain, yarrow, clary sage and chamomile, a little convict, pour the broth on a tray and throw it in the walk in 10 minutes.
- After the procedure, preferably the affected area spread antifungal ointment.
- Treating fungal skin of the feet
- Juice onion brush the affected fungus skin, allow to dry and washing away, to leave in the night?
- Soak the cotton in tincture of propolis of 20 %, applied to the affected area, secure the polyethylene and bandage.
- Compress, it is appropriate to use for the night.
- Treating fungal of the foot (sole) of the foot
- Two times a day to wash the feet a solution of sea salt – tbsp in a glass of warm water?
- Cook in a water bath sturdy decoction of chamomile, the bark of the oak tree and calendula, and can take cooked herbal container for 10 minutes three times a day.
- Treatment response of fungi in the feet of the iodine
- A q-tip moisten the alcohol 5 % solution of iodine;
- To handle carefully are affected by fungus areas of the skin?
- Resorting to this procedure, you will have two times a day.
- Treatment response of fungi in the feet of soda
- Dissolve in tablespoons of salt with baking soda in 4 litres of warm water and rinse with this wounded skin?
- Mix three tablespoons of baking soda food with antibacterial soap and to put them in 8 liters of hot water.
- The final legs of the loading received three times in six days for 20 minutes.
- Treatment response of fungi in the feet vinegar
- In three liters of water diluted to 800 ml of apple cider vinegar and a few grains of potassium permanganate;
- In the final solution you need to keep the foot in 10 minutes?
- This walk loading to take during the week for the night.
- Treatment response of fungi in the feet celandine
- Orange juice of the plant, brush the affected areas and then wait a couple of minutes and again repeat the process?
- The dried herb is ground into a powder that is mixed with tea tree oil prior to a dense state.
- The mixture is applied as a compress to the affected area mushroom the skin.
- Treatment response of fungi in the legs ointment for medicinal herbs
- Oil sunflower oil in a volume of 400 ml filled enameled pot and add to it 1 tbsp. l. the comfrey, rhodiola rosea, calendula and mint?
- The dishes are put on a small fire, heat the mixture up to 60 degrees, then remove from the fire and to last about 10 hours?
- Filter the solution and add liquid vitamins (in oil) D, E, A?
- Received oil, vegetable ointment lubrication yeast infection of the skin two times each day.
- Treatment response of fungi in the feet ointment from honey and eucalyptus
- Mix 20 g. the honey 20 g. oils of eucalyptus and 2 tsp. apple vinegar and place in the refrigerator for three days.
- Finally ointment lubrication of the affected areas once each day.

Prevention of fungus on feet
The first thing that can cause the appearance of fungus, is the increased sweating of the feet, if is almost constantly the man is in a closed shoe. The patient should be aware that the fungus can easily withstand low temperatures, even after freezing it still remains as a causative factor of the disease. And high temperature the infection kills you, so as to prevent fungus on the feet, you can use the boiling. If your clothes be edited this way, and then even ironed, the fungus will die. For the disinfection of footwear ideal formalin-fixed, if the one percent solution to process, then in 20 minutes, the infection will be defeated.