Among all kinds of fungal diseases, defeat stop appears most often. One of the types of fungal infection of the foot is fungi between your toes. The disease causes intense itching and flaking of the skin that causes severe discomfort. Infected by the fungus can be in any public places with high humidity. This type of athlete comes in adults and in children.

Reasons for development of the disease
Fungi in between your fingers – this is one of the types of fungal infection of the foot. The disease refers to contagious and is difficult to treat. The treatment can last several months.
Fungi in between your fingers is developed for the following reasons:
- non-compliance with hygiene of the feet;
- access to areas with high humidity?
- wearing the shoes of someone else?
- the use of someone else's towels.
It is easier to get the infection when visiting public shower without the necessary means of protection. No individual slippers in general, a shower, locker room, gym or even a sauna with a medium-high temperature, can cause infection of the fungus between my toes, photos of symptoms that will not challenge the nature of skin peeling.
The growth of fungi between the toes of the child and the adult can be caused by neglecting personal hygiene. The lack of appropriate care for the feet leads to the accumulation of sweat and dirt in mejpaltsevykh spacing. This is a fertile ground for the reproduction of the fungus. Given that some infectious disease is always present in the human body, the development of fungal microflora on the skin can happen even without contact with the possible source of contamination.
Fungal infections of the feet and the skin between the toes is valid for a very contagious fungus. Getting sick can when placing someone else's shoes, if a person has been infected. This is explained by the fact that the spores of a fungus settle in the interior of the footwear and it is easy to fall into healthy skin.
Get sick you can even in the case, if one of the members of the family are struggling with a fungal infection. The fact is that the differences in pathogenic microflora installed at all, that contact with the affected skin. The differences are stored in the pile carpet, towels and surface tub and shower. The slightest contact with these elements it is enough, for the spores have penetrated into healthy skin.
However, not every man is infected by the fungus during use strange towels or a shower. Factors cause the development of fungi between the toes of the feet:
- reduced immunity, both general and local;
- damage to the skin was a stop sign?
- intense sweating;
- long-term use of antibiotics?
- frequent anxiety?
- wearing too tight of shoes?
- diseases that cause disorder of blood circulation in the lower extremities.
Permanent medical treatment and frequent stress, relax the body, making it vulnerable in front of various bacteria and fungi. Wearing a narrow shoe leads to disruption of the local blood circulation, which reduces the immune system stop. This creates favorable conditions for rapid development of pathogenic microflora.
Fungus feet and mejpaltsevykh spacing highly prone to people with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and varicose veins of the lower limbs. All of these abnormalities lead to a deterioration of local metabolic processes and disruption of cellular immunity, which increases the risk of infection by the fungus.
Factors causing progression of the infection, involving wearing a very tight shoe of inferior quality materials, synthetic socks, and profuse sweating. All these create a favourable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora. With the profuse sweating is accelerated the process of population growth of fungi, such as the microflora loves warm and wet environment.

The types of the disease
Accurate classification depends on the shape of the fungal defeat, and the kind of the pathogen. With the defeat stop are detected most frequently yeast-like fungi. These two kinds of pathogenic microflora is easier to multiply on human skin.
With the severity of the pathological process you can choose easy and heavy stage of the disease. Easy form of fungal defeat is interdigital athlete's foot. Without treatment, this form progresses rapidly to heavy, which is characterized by the spread of the disease in the tread.
Separately excrete the chronic form of the disease. It will be accompanied by swelling, which covers the foot and the shin. In most cases, joining a secondary infection, because of what is on the surface of the skin appear the nodules and the bubbles of the rash. When damaged bubbles, you may notice pus.
The symptoms of fungal growth between the toes
As shown by fungi on the feet, between the toes, knows, perhaps, everyone. Specific symptoms of defeat:
- redness of the skin between your fingers?
- intense itching?
- the appearance of an unpleasant smell?
- exfoliation of the skin;
- section gray scale?
- manual removal of the skin;
- the appearance of shallow rash.
Children also suffer from this disease, fungus between your toes, the child has the same events in adults. The disease begins with lesions of the skin near the little finger of the lower limbs, at an early stage, or stage of growth of fungi between the toes looks like a little redness. The disease is quite evolves quickly, hitting the skin between 4 and 3 with your finger. Over time the fungus spreads throughout the foot.
With the progression of the disease appears a strong peeling and itching. Patients notice a sudden onset sudden and bad smell from the feet, which is difficult to eradicate by washing. Evolution of the fungal infection leads to the appearance of shallow rash. Usually this is indicative for the accession of infection.
Over time the peeling becomes very strong, separate whole areas of keratinized skin, which acquires a grayish color. If the fungus at this stage is not started treated early, it spreads all over the leg.
Interdigital intervals is the most vulnerable part of the foot. When you walk into these aspects of the accumulated sweat, which irritates the affected fungus of the skin. As a result, appear cracks that hurt when walking. With the passage of time in their place are formed deep ulcers and erosions that cause itching and burning.

Diagnosis is made on the basis of the external inspection. The fungus mejpaltsevykh spacing is very bright and the symptoms, so as to confuse it with other diseases is difficult.
In addition, obtained scraping the affected area. When peeling this will not be difficult, since the particles of the skin are easily separated, without causing discomfort.
On the basis of the analysis of the scrape, the doctor will determine, from the treatment of fungi between the toes. There is also a general treatment plan that includes antifungal ointment for fungal infections of the feet, between the toes and solutions for antiseptic treatment of skin. In the application, the patient is recommended to ask the doctor, is permissible if the use of the folk capital of the fungi between the toes. In the initial stage of the disease folk medicine helps to quickly deal with pathogenic microflora.
Drug therapy
When the fungus between my toes, the treatment should be complex. The patient will need daily to comply with the same ritual:
- wash your feet well economic soap and water and wipe with a dry?
- to process the affected areas antiseptic solution and wait for it to dry?
- apply on the skin antifungal drugs?
- in half an hour to wear clean socks made of natural fabric.
How to treat fungus between the toes of the feet – it depends on the severity of symptoms. In the initial stage, as long as the use of antiseptics and popular funds, with no obvious damage of the skin that required special medication.
As an antiseptic best to use a solution of chlorhexidine or miramistina. These funds do not irritate skin. Used for the treatment of, as well as for the disinfection of the skin. In addition, antiseptics allow you to avoid the spread of fungus to healthy skin.
The main treatment is carried out creams and ointments, the best ointment for fungus between your toes – this is the drug that has been set by the doctor. Usually used within a wide range.
Ointment for the treatment should be applied to previously prepared skin two times a day. In advanced cases, a drug may be insufficient. Then, the doctor prescribes a long-term treatment with the drug changing in the middle of the course. This allows you to avoid the development of resistance of fungal microflora in a drug average.
Folk remedies

Folk medicine knows how to get rid of fungus between your toes. For this, he asked to use the bathroom, and solutions for skin treatment.
- In a basin with water, add 2 bag of boric acid and place the leg for 20 minutes. Be used within a day.
- Effective pot of mycosis – 4 liters of hot water, 2 tablespoons bicarbonate of soda, salt and iodine. Download 15 minutes, then spread the legs a therapeutic ointment.
- You can use baking soda solution with vinegar. For the preparation of the tool should be in half a glass of water dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda and vinegar. Then in a solution of dampen a cotton ball and handle the skin carefully.
For the daily hygiene of the feet, it is recommended to use tar or economic soap. It is very degreased the skin and have weak antifungal activity.
Prevention of growth of fungi between the toes is careful hygiene of the feet. It is important always to get to the pool, gym and sauna own rubber slippers. You should not use the foreign objects of hygiene, or try on the shoes of a stranger, as I can keep the spores of the fungus.