The initial stage of the fungus is characterized by the absence of pronounced symptoms. This is one of the reasons why many patients become ill only after a certain period of time when onychomycosis pathogens cause significant damage to healthy tissues. If a person is very attentive to his own health, then he will be able to recognize the first signs of infection. Their discovery is a serious reason to visit a doctor who deals with fungal pathologies.
Causes of onychomycosis

The initial stage of the fungus on the hands and feet does not cause much discomfort to the person. The first signs of the disease, which are mild at this stage, many infected are simply ignored. Because of this they miss the chance to start timely treatment of the disease and avoid serious complications.
There are many reasons that can lead to the development of a fungal infection on the nails and surrounding areas of the skin. They create optimal conditions for the successful development of pathogenic microflora. Onychomycosis is most commonly found in older people, as well as in people with weakened immune systems. Other undesirable factors can also lead to the development of the initial stage of the disease:
- Ignoring the rules of personal hygiene;
- Skin lesions on the toes or feet;
- Prolonged contact with moisture or chemicals that dry the skin;
- Regular wearing of tight clothing and shoes made of synthetic materials;
- Increased sweating during the hot season;
- Chronic diseases that affect the state of immunity;
- Immune and endocrine diseases;
- Abuse of strong drugs;
- Climatic characteristics of the area that create ideal conditions for the reproduction of the agent causing nail mycosis.
If one of such negative factors affects the human body, he should think about preventing the development of onychomycosis. Otherwise, it will be difficult to prevent fungal infection.
Avoid tight and uncomfortable shoes. Since the mushroom loves to "settle" in microcracks. Even the slightest damage to the nail plate or skin is "attracted". It is also dangerous to disrupt the blood supply to the fingers.
Comfortable orthopedic shoes are not only the key to healthy nails and feet, but also protect flat feet, hallux valgus, pebbles, cornea, facilitate walking and correct existing disorders at an early stage. Daily wearing of such shoes provides comfort and not suffering while walking. Moreover, modern orthopedic shoes have an excellent design and maintain a fashionable style.
What do nail fungus look like in the early stages?
Nail fungus can bother absolutely any person. For its timely identification it is necessary to know what conditions characterize the initial stage of disease development.
Early signs of infection are felt from the very first day of infection. However, they are weakly expressed, so few people pay attention to them. One should be careful if after visiting a public place with high humidity the color of the nail plates changes and itching occurs around the toes. These are the first symptoms of onychomycosis. If the nails are healthy, then the infection will not penetrate into their deeper layers. Only damaged plates are subject to such an attack.
On the hands
Everyone needs to know what nail fungus looks like at an early stage. This information will help him to timely calculate the disease in himself or in people from his environment.
Fungal infection of the hands is most common in women. However, members of the stronger sex are also susceptible to such infection. The disease is recognized by the following symptoms that first appear after infection:
- Contamination of the nail plate surface;
- The formation of spots on the nails;
- Change the color of the nail to yellow, gray or brown;
- Breaking of the nail plate near the edges;
- Delamination and weakness;
- Exfoliate the skin near the nail.
Some patients develop signs of swelling near the nails. Although in the early stages of disease development, such a symptom does not usually occur.
On the shoulder

A number of signs characteristic of this condition help to identify fungal infection of toenails:
- Yellowing of the nail at the top or side;
- Thickening of the nail plate;
- Change the color of the nail;
- Slight itching around the toes;
- Nail exfoliation;
- Unpleasant foot odor.
Lack of treatment in the early stages of the disease leads to its progression. It is therefore very important not to miss the most optimal moment to start the therapeutic course, which will help to deal with the infection and its spread to healthy tissues.
Toenail fungus is easily curable if the patient is found to be in the early stages of its development. In order for the disease not to start, it is necessary to abandon self-medication. The patient will not be able to choose adequate therapy, which will lead to a positive result. It is best to entrust such tasks to competent specialists involved in the diagnosis and treatment of onychomycosis.
Topical preparations
The fungus on the hands as well as the lower extremities can be eliminated with local medicines. The initial stage of the disease involves the use of medications that do not have a significant effect on the patient's body, but act directly on the lesions.
Comprehensive treatment of onychomycosis at an early stage of development necessarily involves the use of a local drug.
The external agent should be used in accordance with the attending physician's instructions and its instructions for use. Adherence to this rule will increase the effectiveness of the course of treatment and prevent possible side effects.
According to the standard scheme, it is necessary to apply the topical preparation on the nail plate infected with the fungus in a thin layer 1-2 times a day. If special varnishes are used, then they are applied no more than 1 time per week.
Systemic therapy
You should consult your doctor at the first signs of onychomycosis. Toenail fungus is not always possible to cure with local medicine. Therefore, in addition, dermatologists prescribe a systemic remedy that acts on the pathogen from the human body.
Taking oral medications that have an antifungal effect can only be prescribed by a specialist. This is due to the fact that they have a large list of contraindications and side effects. The course of therapy is selected individually for each patient. This usually lasts about 4 months. If measures were taken at an early stage in the development of onychomycosis, then this period is reduced.
The use of systemic drugs is advisable if local remedies do not stop the development of the disease.
Laser therapy and ozone therapy
It is possible to treat fungal infection on nail plates using hardware procedures. Laser and ozone therapy are used for these purposes. They are prescribed in the initial and advanced stages of development of the pathological process, if traditional methods of treatment do not bring the desired result.
Laser therapy has many advantages in the fight against nail fungus:
- Obtaining a guaranteed recovery result in 99% of cases;
- There is no pain or discomfort during the procedure;
- Has no negative impact on internal organs;
- Complete destruction of the fungus;
- Improving the general condition of the infected area after the first procedure;
- Restoration of the nail plate 30 days after therapy.
Nail fungus on the hands or lower extremities also helps to cure ozone therapy. The initial stage of onychomycosis is well suited for such treatment.
Ozone has an antiseptic effect. Because of this, doctors use it to treat fungal infections on the nails. When ozone enters the body, it travels through the bloodstream to different parts of the body. After that, the battle is fought with the pathogen in which he loses in most cases.
Ozone therapy is completely painless. Its duration is limited to 30 minutes. Only the infected area is grazed during treatment. The skin around the plate is not damaged.
Ozone, like laser therapy, is prescribed by the attending physician after the patient has passed all the necessary tests and examinations. Based on their results, the specialist makes conclusions about the appropriateness of using therapeutic procedures that help accelerate recovery.
Folk methods
The attending physician may recommend the use of non-traditional methods of treatment in conjunction with medications. It is good to conduct such therapy at an early stage in the development of the pathological process. Then it will be most useful. Onychomycosis can be treated with such folk remedies:
- Iodine. They periodically need treatment for the diseased nail. It is advisable to perform the procedure 2 times a day to stop the development of pathogenic microflora on its surface. The antiseptic agent not only fights the fungus but also dries the nail plate. A 2-3 day break is recommended after one week of such treatment;
- garlic. It is a natural disinfectant that deals with the active reproduction of pathogens. You need to grate a fresh clove of garlic, then apply this paste on the problem area. It is advisable to leave it overnight, fixing the mass with a bandage;
- Celandine. The juice of this plant is useful in onychomycosis. It is recommended to lubricate the infected areas with a new product on the upper or lower extremities. Prior to the procedure, it is necessary to perform an allergy test for this product to prevent the development of side effects;
- ᲮOnion. Effective against fungal infections caused by a yeast-like pathogen. Fresh vegetables should be shredded and grated on a medium grater. Once the onion mass is mixed with a small portion of natural honey. The finished product should be applied to sore nails for 2-3 hours. If you perform this procedure several times a day, you can quickly achieve an improvement in the general condition of the patient;
- Soda. Used to prepare healing baths. It should be opened in hot or warm water. For 2, 5 liters of liquid you need 1 tbsp. L. Soda. It is also advisable to add a portion of liquid soap to the solution. This bath can be taken daily for 15 minutes.
Folk remedies act only for the treatment of the initial stage of onychomycosis. In more advanced cases, they do not bring much result. But even if the disease has just started, there is no guarantee that alternative medicine will help to get rid of it completely. It is best to use his methods in conjunction with pharmaceuticals to ensure the effectiveness of the therapeutic course.
Disinfection and other rules during the treatment period

The doctor will tell the patient in detail how to behave in the early stages of the disease and will give advice on what the fungus looks like on the feet in the early stages.
In order for the treatment prescribed by the doctor to be effective, the patient will additionally have to follow special rules:
- It is necessary to disinfect daily socks and shoes that come into contact with a fungus infected;
- It is necessary to cook the patient's towels and linens at a high temperature;
- It is essential to thoroughly clean the bathroom after bathing the patient.
Boiling is strongly recommended for disinfecting all acceptable items and items with which a person with onychomycosis interacts. You should also regularly clean your shoes with a special antiseptic and anti-fungal solution.
Prevention of onychomycosis
Prevention of onychomycosis should be done by all people who are at risk for this disease. This measure will allow him to avoid wasting money and time unnecessarily on medical procedures.
To prevent onychomycosis, you should:
- Refrain from wearing someone else's clothes and shoes. If this is necessary, then they first need careful treatment with an antifungal and antiseptic agent;
- In public areas, such as the sauna or swimming pool, be sure to use disposable slippers;
- Use only your own manicure tools.
If a person has been able to cure onychomycosis and subsequently follow preventive measures, then the probability that he will still encounter the fungus will be only 8%.