There are many ways to get rid of nail fungus. Treatment is carried out with external preparations, tablets, laser, folk remedies. The duration of therapy depends on the stage of the disease, the degree of damage.

Traditional treatment of onychomycosis
Fungal infection of the nails is the most common dermatological disease. Women, men of any age suffer from pathology, but after 60 years the chance of illness increases. Occupational therapy aims to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, suppress the growth of pathological fungi, and repair damaged tissues.
Treatment is difficult, difficult, long. To get rid of nail fungus it is necessary to identify the root cause, eliminate the influence of negative factors and increase the protective functions of the body. It is not enough to just take an anti-fungal drug, apply ointments to the damaged tissue.
The range of therapeutic products is extremely rich. The disease is so prevalent that it is quite difficult to determine the most effective remedy in the pharmacy list of analogues.
Healing nail spots
Products are in demand due to their convenience and ease of use. Varnish containing active ingredients forms a protective layer on the surface of the nail plate, ensuring constant contact with the healing components. The duration of therapy is about one month. The varnish can be used as an independent agent to treat mycosis in the early stages of the disease, or as part of a complex therapy to improve the effect.
For the treatment of onychomycosis it is recommended to use a special varnish on the hands for 6 months without a break, on the feet - a year.
Antifungal creams, ointments

Combination drugs have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial, disinfectant, restorative, anti-itch, decongestant properties. The additional substances create favorable conditions for the rapid regeneration of damaged tissues, promote deep penetration of active substances, strengthen the nail and eliminate exfoliation of damaged epidermis.
The action of external agents is limited to the place of application. The active components are practically not included in the blood. This reduces the risk of side effects but reduces the effectiveness in mycosis complex diseases when it is necessary to kill fungi throughout the body.
Cream, ointment is applied twice a day for 10-14 days. On the recommendation of a specialist it is possible to extend the course. Some drugs contain hormones from the group of glucocorticosteroids. Painful symptoms disappear faster due to this component, damaged tissues are restored, but prolonged use is excluded, use without a dermatologist appointment.
Proper use of the drug involves pre-preparation procedures. Warm the skin, soften the nail plate with a healing bath that is taken for at least 15 minutes. Remove damaged areas of skin, nails, rub the surface with nail polish. Disinfect, only then apply anti-fungal ointment, cream.
Treatment of fungus gives long-lasting results with external remedies for oral administration in combination with antifungal drugs.

The use of systemic agents allows you to destroy the pathogenic microflora throughout the body, because of which the unpleasant symptoms disappear. Combined with external use, it gives excellent results.
The tablets are based on various antifungal substances that should be taken daily for a long time or once a month. In the initial stage of the disease 1 tablet is enough to defeat the disease, to strengthen the effect, for prevention, to take the tablet in the next month, but in a lower dose.
The active ingredients penetrate into the general bloodstream, passing throughout the body. Metabolized in the liver, excreted by the kidneys. In this regard, increasing the risk of developing side effects, there are contraindications that you should be aware of before starting active therapy. The use of antifungal agents is not recommended for pregnant women, lactating women, individual intolerance to the components, serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.
Folk remedies to get rid of the fungus
Onychomycosis medications are worth the money, but in terms of effectiveness they are no better than the folk remedies used by all generations. Nail fungus can be cured quickly and cheaply.
Hydrogen peroxide
The device has emollient, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, restorative properties. Used in the treatment of nail fungus in combination with other active ingredients, enhances their effect, promotes penetration into the deeper layers.
- The nail plate is treated after grinding with hydrogen peroxide, removing dead spots.
- Prepare a bowl with warm water. Mix peroxide, vinegar in equal proportions. Apply to the damaged nail, wait until the substance stops whispering, soak the feet in water for 5 minutes. Dry. Apply celandine, calendula, tea tree or medicated Vaseline oil.
- The nails are boiled in a bath for 40 minutes. Squeeze, treat with peroxide. Soak a cotton swab in the same product, apply on the nail plate for 20 minutes. The nail jars are removed from the softened areas, they are disinfected, oil is applied.
The procedure is performed daily until the infected nail is completely removed. Continue oil therapy.
The tool, like peroxide, helps to soften the corneal layer, accelerates the process of exfoliation of deformed nails. Promotes deep penetration of active ingredients.
- The nails are cleaned daily with vinegar, after which they apply oils, make lotions, compresses.
- 200 g of the bite is added to the fresh egg. Apply to nail treatment several times a day.
- Mix vegetable oil and vinegar in equal proportions. Wet cotton, apply to the damaged area overnight.
The tool for daily use allows you to eliminate unpleasant symptoms in a week. Continue the procedure until the infected nail is completely removed.
Disinfectant helps to stop the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, prevents the attachment of secondary infection. All tools used to remove damaged areas of the skin and nails are treated with alcohol. Lubricate the nail plate after the procedure.
- Medicinal tinctures based on medicinal alcohol are made from medicinal herbs. For example, calendula, celandine. Pour raw materials, insist day. Used for compression, grinding.
- Mix garlic juice, alcohol in equal proportions, add distilled water. Treat nails before bed.
The use of alcohol to treat fungus is a mandatory procedure.
There are a large number of iodine recipes. The tool helps to stop the growth of pathogens, strengthens nails, promotes tissue regeneration and prevents the formation of cracks.
- The fastest option for treatment is after the treatment bath, apply the preparatory procedure on the nail with a brush or cotton swab.
- In warm water add 1 teaspoon of soda, salt, 10 drops of iodine. Soak your feet in the bath for 20 minutes.
- In the morning, a cotton swab soaked in celandine oil is applied to the nail, in the evening water procedures are performed, the nail is cleaned, and iodine is lubricated at night.
The drug has no contraindications, but in case of overdose it causes a burning sensation, an increase in unpleasant symptoms.
One of the most effective folk remedies against mycosis. Included in many effective recipes. Baths are most effective in treating nail fungus. Dissolve baking soda, cooking or sea salt in 1 liter of water. Wash your feet with laundry soap.

This is a natural antibiotic. The tool is used for external use, to accelerate the effect, brush your teeth every day.
- Garlic is crushed, mixed with any healing oil, poured into several layers of folded marmalade. On the sore spot, apply a thin layer of cling film on top and straighten with plaster. Leave on overnight or during day for 20 minutes.
- Squeeze the juice, mix in equal proportions with alcohol, boiled water. Used for compression, grinding.
- Pour a glass of garlic in cold boiled water, insist one day. Compresses are made from tincture.
Garlic should be used daily. The duration of therapy is less than one month.
One of the most effective traditional medicine. The nail is rubbed with fresh juice, decoction, tincture, oil are prepared.
- Pour fresh raw or dry medicine with boiled water, insist for half an hour. Pour into the bath, conduct a steam preparation procedure.
- Tightly fresh plant is placed in a 0. 5 liter jar filled with water or alcohol. They ask for days. Used for compression, grinding.
- The potion is tightly placed in a glass jar, poured with olive oil. They insist on a week. Used to treat damaged nails, apply a cotton swab soaked in oil at night.
Celandine oil is included in many folk recipes, however a high therapeutic effect is achieved when used in its pure form without additional components.
The substance forms a protective layer on the surface of the affected tissues, prevents the spread of infection and stops the reproduction of fungi. Glycerin is often used in combination with alcohol and vinegar. Apply the product after the bath, clean the nails.
Tea mushrooms

The tool helps to stop the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. It is recommended to use kombucha before going to bed. Other effective remedies are used during the day to get rid of mycosis.
The mushroom is crushed in a nail plate, the rest is thrown into the marla, wrapped with a finger. Mushrooms can not be pressed, just cut into slices.
The list of folk recipes is very long, as is the list of traditional pharmacy products. However, you can completely get rid of the disease by strengthening the body's defenses by following certain rules.
How to prevent foot fungus - the advice of a dermatologist

Mycosis develops against the background of weakened immunity, with simultaneous exposure to several adverse factors. Infection most often occurs with an infected substance, with the fungus penetrating the skin wounds.
To avoid this, you need to:
- Walking in public places with only shoes on;
- Take a shower with rubber slippers;
- Prevent sweating of the feet;
- Wear socks made of natural fabrics;
- Do not use antiseptics to treat feet;
- Get rid of diseases in time, avoid chronic processes;
- Pay proper attention to boosting immunity.
If you have unpleasant symptoms, consult a specialist, do not conduct self-medication.