If you are asked at the clinic which doctor can help you cure toenail fungus, then most likely they will refer you to a dermatologist. It seems strange. After all, dermatologists treat skin diseases, while mycologists treat fungal infections.
But there is no resistance to this. Dermatologist treats various skin diseases. Mycologist treats only fungal infections and not just skin. If the disease is not progressive, the dermatologist of the district clinic will be able to prescribe appropriate treatment and, if necessary, consult a mycologist. The nail, of course, is not exactly the skin. But nails are treated by dermatologists. Which doctor should I go to?

Complex or severely developed cases require complex treatment. In addition to medications for external use, pills and sometimes physiotherapy are also prescribed. Of course, in such a situation it is better to contact a mycologist.
Who, which doctor treats nail fungus? Both answers are correct: dermatologist and mycologist. By the way, an appointment with a mycologist is often costly. Usually there is no queue for him and if there is a serious reason for suspicion, you can immediately go to a mycologist.
Regardless of which doctor treats your nails, paid tests may be needed. But it is better to do an analysis to find out the diagnosis or make sure there is no fungal infection. In advanced cases, treatment will be much more expensive.
What does a dermatologist treat?
The word derma translates as "skin. "This specialist deals with skin problems. Allergies, acne, scabies and even psoriasis. Keratitis on the head is treated by the same doctor. Skin diseases are many, but a dermatologist can distinguish a parasitic disease from an allergic one and prescribe treatment even before the test results.
Which doctor treats nail fungus on the hands and feet

Usually, in mild cases, fungal infections are treated by ordinary doctors. Fungal diseases of the genitals - urologist or gynecologist. Thrush in children - Pediatrician. Dermatologist for uncomplicated skin diseases.
In severe (and more often - advanced) cases, the help of a fungal infection specialist is needed. In particular, they understand the mycologist. It is possible to consult a mycologist. If you do not want to have an outpatient card record that the fungus is found. Or you can not go to a dermatologist.
The first signs of fungal infection of the foot

Running forms arise because the disease is not noticed immediately. What should be alarming?
- If the skin between the fingers gets wet and cracked
- Itching or redness of the skin of the foot is noted
- There was swelling of the skin near the nail
- The skin is scaly
- Cracks in the heels
- Foot skin with good care looks rough and untidy.
- The color of the nail changed, spots or streaks appeared
- There was an unpleasant odor from his feet.
It is enough to notice only one of the above disorders to take a closer look at your feet. Of course, the reason may be new or uncomfortable shoes. You need to change shoes, abandon synthetic socks. In the evening, wash your feet with laundry or baby soap, then take a bath with sea salt or chamomile extract. But if after two days the appearance of the foot does not become normal, you should consult a doctor.
What is the danger of foot and nail fungus
Typically, the fungus first infects the skin of the foot and then goes into the nails. Treating the fungus, when only the skin is damaged, is much easier. Various ointments, infusions and solutions are more easily penetrated into the skin than on the hard surface of the nail. And they act faster. The fungus is more difficult to cure when its manifestations become noticeable on the nails.
And the smallest particles of skin or nails damaged by the fungus become the culprit of re-infection. Finally, other family members can become infected.
But are mushrooms really that dangerous? What threatens him other than itching and ugly appearance?
The danger is that some fungi can damage not only the skin of the feet or nails. Infection can occur, for example, in the ear. And in young children and the elderly - in the folds of the uterus. There the skin is softer and thinner. There are fungi that affect not only the skin but also the mucous membranes. It is best not to take risks and not wait for the infection to spread.
How is the treatment

In all cases the doctor will prescribe not only topical treatment, but also tablets. These should not be antifungal drugs. Complex preparations of vitamins and minerals help to fight infection. Blood tests and other tests are needed. Brush damaged skin or nails. Treatment is usually outpatient, but there is a day hospital where all procedures are performed by a nurse. If injections are found to be needed, they can be taken to a hospital.
But modern science can cure fungus with two or three laser treatments. Treatment is not cheap, but in the most hopeless cases a full recovery takes two weeks. Of course, at this time the new nail will not grow and even the skin will not recover. But the disease will be defeated. The interval between laser treatment sessions is one to two weeks. Unfortunately, such equipment is not always available even in regional centers.
Home remedies for nail fungus

It is important to understand that home remedies that you can use independently do not contain medications. Perfect for fighting fungus at an early stage
- Foot baths
- Lotions and compresses from herbs and vegetables
- Essential oils,
- Soda, salt, vinegar, vodka
- Natural ground coffee
- Alcoholic tinctures of medicinal plants
- Ordinary yellow clay
- Container soap
Mushrooms on the feet - homemade recipes
2 tablespoons calamus root, pour a glass of boiling water, insist, covered, half an hour to 40 minutes. Drink a quarter cup 4 times a day. Admission 10 days with external treatment.
Golden mustache tincture. Insist vodka on the stem of the plant, 10 knots with leaves on 150 grams of vodka. Insist in a dark place for a week. Dilute with water before use. One part infusion is three parts water. Lubricate damaged skin and all toenails. Attention! The plant is poisonous!
Sea salt baths are taken twice a week. They then dry the feet and lubricate the inflamed areas with celandine juice.
Compresses with herbal infusion. Take 20 grams of lilac flowers, calendula, celandine herbs and oak bark in 2 cups boiling water. They insist on an hour. Keep the compress on for half an hour.
Grind a bar of soap into a container. Pour hot water over a quarter of the chips obtained. A foot bath is done. Science has proven the antifungal action of vodka tar and tar soap. There are no contraindications. But after them the skin is very sensitive to the sun. Go out during the day after the procedure only with socks! Tare soap dries the skin slightly. You should know.
Coffee precipitate. Perfectly disinfects and promotes skin renewal. Thickening is applied to the surface of all the toenails and to the skin at their base. This is done after steaming, for example, with bath salt, sea or ordinary. Dry your feet. Wrap the legs in a bandage to secure the thick spot. Rinse after 20 minutes.
Potato decoction. Unlike tortoises and coffee, mushrooms do not destroy. But it soothes the skin and relieves inflammation. In addition, the skin refreshes faster after baths with potato paste.
Mycologist recommendation
The main thing in treatment is protection against re-infection. The spores of the infectious agent do not disappear by themselves. It is necessary to disinfect linen, carpet in the bathroom and near the bed. Shoe disinfection. Fungal spores do not die with normal washing. So it is better to just throw away the socks. Those who listen to the advice of doctors will get rid of the annoying parasite faster.